
We offer programs for children ranging from infant through school age. If you have any questions about these programs, please feel free to contact us.

Infants-Waddlers Play Based Learning (Ages 0-2)

  1. Handmade Curriculum: We offer a unique, tailor-made curriculum, designed weekly for each classroom’s group of children.
  2. Play-Based Learning: Our curriculum emphasizes play-based learning, tracking developmental milestones and allowing teachers to plan targeted learning experiences.
  3. Multiple Practice Opportunities: Children are given multiple opportunities to practice specific learning milestones in various ways, enhancing their understanding.
  4. Lisa Murphy’s Advocacy: Early childhood educator, author, and speaker Lisa Murphy champions play-based learning, which forms the core of our curriculum.
  5. Essential Skills Development: Play-based learning develops crucial academic foundations and social interaction skills, setting children up for future academic success.
  6. Child-Centered Environments: We create child-centered, play-based environments that are relevant and meaningful to children, fostering a positive and fair learning atmosphere.
  7. Closing Achievement Gaps: Our approach helps close achievement gaps that may exist for some children, ensuring all children have the opportunity to thrive.

Project-Based Learning Toddlers - Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 2-5)

  1. Child-Centered: The Project Approach is a thrilling educational framework that sparks your child’s natural curiosity to engage, problem-solve, and connect.
  2. Three-Part Structure: Our projects are like captivating stories with a beginning, middle, and end, providing a comprehensive learning journey.
  3. Interactive Learning: Your child will interact, question, connect, problem-solve, communicate, and reflect, making learning an exciting adventure.
  4. Beyond the Classroom: Learning extends beyond the classroom, encompassing your child’s home, community, nation, and world, making every day a new exploration.
  5. Project Approach Study Guide: This guide offers educators an overview of the Project Approach and assists them in developing and implementing a project in the classroom, ensuring a high-quality learning experience.
  6. Family Engagement: We believe in strong communication and engagement with families, involving you in the classroom curriculum and your child’s learning journey at home and at school. You’re part of the team!

School Age (Ages 5 -12)

  1. Personalized Learning Support: We provide individualized support to each child, enhancing their school learning in a playful environment.
  2. Daily Activities: Children enjoy outdoor time, afternoon snacks, optional homework or reading time, and playtime every day.
  3. Weekly Extracurricular Activities: Exciting extracurricular activities are scheduled every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
  4. Summer Program: Our summer program is filled with project-based learning and exciting field trips. Get ready for a summer of fun and learning!

All Curriculum information, planned activities, observations, and child portfolios are shared electronically via our parent engagement app!